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Without Labor Nothing Prospers: Working While Your Spouse is in Medical School

Shawnea Brown

By: Shawnea Brown

Working while your spouse/significant other is in school makes time go by fast, as well as finances a little less daunting. My income is used for groceries and entertainment. We also split all the bills. I pay half the rent including the pet fee, insurance, and cell phone bill. My husband pays the other half of rent and utilities.

It is important to do the little things together like play games, watch series, and eat dinner together. Or even go get a quick bite or dessert. Sometimes being in the same room while your spouse or significant other is nice to have some time to read or work on a craft, just seeing them can help with the feeling/thought of not seeing them.

Weekends that your spouse or significant other has free, sometimes it is best to plan a small activity, my husband does better with a small chunk of time instead of a long time. We enjoy painting and playing crime cooperative games. I have learned to appreciate when he can go to Costco with me or can attend church.

I enjoy having my own time for crafts, as well as activities with MSP, and small get together with friends. Don’t be afraid to make plans, there will be a lot of weekends and times where your spouse or significant other will be very busy with studying and labs.

Staying busy is key for me to make it through this journey. There are so many activities to get involved in at MSP, something as simple as a book club, is a blast to discuss books, eat snacks and just talk about anything and everything. If there is something you enjoy and want to share with others, start a club. The sky's the limit!

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